stable isotope

Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical element such that, while all isotopes of a given element have the same number of protons in each atom, they differ in neutron number.

stable isotope

The short relaxation time of deuterium of the spin 1 (quadrupole) provides substantial sensitivity for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).
When D2O is administered in a bolus fashion to a specific tissue or organ in vivo, the deuterium MRS intensity time course can be analyzed to measure the rate of blood flow and tissue perfusion.
stable isotope
FDA responds to Tevas NDA with complete response letter for Huntington’s chorea drug
SD-809 is the first deuterated product that the FDA has reviewed.
FDA just asked Teva to analyze blood levels of certain metabolites, which are not novel and are similar in subjects who take either tetrabenazine or deutetrabenazine.
The FDA has requested no further clinical trials.
Teva will continue to work closely with the FDA to bring SD-809 to the market as quickly as possible,” said Michael Hayden, M.D., Ph.D., Teva’s president of global research and development and CSO